resident editorial board

Write for Riverside Newspaper!

Riverside News is a new community newspaper edited by local residents and distributed in the local area. We are inviting local residents and community organisations to contribute to our pilot issue, which will be published in November. 


Please email us by October 17th with ideas for articles you would like to write:


We will discuss your article idea with you before confirming if it is something we’d like to include. 


Here are some ideas for the kinds of articles you might like to write:


  • Features: Between 250 and 500 words focusing on a particular community organisation or project in the local area. Can be written in a more relaxed style, in the first person; discussing how the featured subject was started, who’s involved, and what impact it’s having on the area.
  • Interviews: Up to 500 words focusing on a particular person who has an active role in the community or who has an interesting perspective on a chosen subject relevant to the borough.
  • Comment: Up to 250 words commenting on a subject relevant to the area, and on which you have a unique perspective.
  • Events: Up to 250 words either reviewing or previewing an event taking place in the area. Event organisers are also welcome to write an article about what they are planning.
  • Letters: We welcome letters of up to 200 words on topics relevant to the borough. Please include your name and either your street address, or name of the organisation you are writing on behalf of.


Not all submissions we receive can be included in the paper. Please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your idea. 

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