Healthy Living Club Making Impact

Healthy Living Club Making Impact

The British Nutrition Foundation’s 10th Healthy Eating Week, is coming up from 13 – 17 June 2022, and here at TWCP we’re proud to currently be delivering our Healthy Living Club to support families in Thames View and Barking Riverside live healthier lifestyles, which has got off to a great start!

The programme is funded by OHID in collaboration with LBBD, and delivered by TWCP, local organisations and residents.

The Programme

Our local 8-week programme supports families to pick up healthier habits and get fitter! We have a packed programme including healthy cooking, walking, zumba, plant based cooking, gardening and cricket, and its all FREE!

A flexible programme, participants can choose something that fits their schedule, and the whole family can join in! The programme is being run by local people who also live and work in the area, so they can give advice on how to maintain healthier habits where residents live. 



START: Monday 9th May 

END DATE Sunday 3rd July 

(last date to enrol is Monday 23rd May)


START: Monday 1st August 

END: Sunday 25th September

(last date to enrol is Monday 22nd August)

The Impact

My child wouldn't eat all those veggies, and look at him, he is eating the whole thing!

I just moved to the area and I know no one, I have no support at all, as my child's school doesn't offer anything after school hours. Thank you for being so flexible and caring.

My husband and I have been working full time for quite a while now, 12 hour shifts... we don't get to see our kids at all, so when I saw this programme, I decided to change my schedule for 6 weeks to spend time with them as a family.

Local organisations and residents delivering activities

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